Wednesday is "Class Color Day" for JH and HS. Elementary students is "Dress Your Best" (Picture Day).

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School Nurse

Welcome to Lomega Public School’s Health Services. We look forward to connecting the dots between academics and health for each student we serve. We teach Oklahoma Academic Standards for Health to our students and staff members.

Lomega’s school nurse provides basic first aid, trains staff about and administers daily medications, assists students with managing chronic illnesses such as asthma and diabetes, treats and reports child abuse/neglect, and monitors immunization compliance in accordance with state regulations. In addition, our school nurse provides health assessments, health and wellness screenings, and makes referrals to various health providers.

In the following, parents and guardians may find Lomega Public School’s District health forms, information regarding various health issues, and immunization requirements for school-aged children. If you need to speak with our school nurse, please contact your child’s school at 405-729-4251 (Elementary) or 405-729-4281 (High School).


We teach Oklahoma Academic Standards for Health to our students and Oklahoma Department of Education professional development requirements to our staff members.

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Lomega Public Schools

Omega, OK

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